Get to the root
of your heart health!
We guide you to identify your cardiovascular risk factors and their root causes. We empower you to address these root causes and stay on top of your heart health.
Who we are
Personal to you
Preventive heart health that is tailored to your lifestyle and life stage. The point you are in your life and your daily choices affect your heart health. We coach you to discover how to navigate these life stages with a heart-friendly lifestyle.
Simply by you for you!
Quality care from experienced experts.
We keep it simple. We don’t tell you what to do. We coach you to unlock heart-healthy behaviors that you love and enjoy. You will decide what is most suitable and convenient for you. You own the care process.
What we offer
- Risk assessment to learn the type and level of your risk factor
- Curated information and education on how to reduce cardiovascular risk factors
- Personalized tools to support lifestyle changes
- Support network
- Record and track your numbers
- One-on-one coaching
- Personalized to suit your lifestyle and the stage of your life
- Our guides and tools are sensitive to your culture
- Community oriented because it takes a village to build strong and healthy hearts
- You will have access to your health data and use it to make lifestyle decisions
- Choose and pay for what you can afford
Who we work with
- Individuals
- Communities
- Health care organizations
- Care homes
How it works
- Tell us about yourself and we will use this information to find out your type and level of risk factors
- We will recommend a personalized care plan that will help you reduce these risk factors
- You sign up for this care plan
- You start enjoying the services and benefits immediately after you sign up
It takes a village!
Your family and friends have a huge influence on the choices that you make every day. We want you to bring them to the party of heart care. We need them to stay on track so that you can stay on track. Stay accountable to each other in this journey.
Learn in real-time how these progress are improving your heart health Track the results you get!
Private and secure platform to record and track the changes that you are making. Learn in real-time how these changes are improving our heart health.
Nominate a loved one as a care supporter
Beat the root causes of your cardiovascular risk factors! Relax and enjoy life!
We work and happy clients won’t stop talking about us
Two out of three of our clients get to the root of their risk factors, took steps to reduce these risk factors and observed improvements in their blood pressure and blood sugar within three weeks.
Here is what they are saying
I was given a meal plan in the hospital after I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. I was still trapped in the cycle of weight gain, morning headaches and fatigue. When I started Viedial, I learned how to source for affordable foods and how to put them together to improve my health. The headaches are gone and I am now losing weight gradually.